这期推荐了Thamas Frank的Youtube频道,My First Million播客节目,Sara Dietschy的播客节目「That Creative Life」,聊了我对未来视频音频节目的感悟,以及windows和doors的理论。
- 时间轴 -
Thomas Frank的Notion (00:14)
Windows vs Doors (15:05)
That Creative Life (26:45)
- Happy Xiao -
我的Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/happyaddone
我的Patreon: https://patreon.com/happyaddone
- 链接 -
The Most Powerful Productivity App I Use - Notion - YouTube
How I Learn and Study - My Process with the iPad - YouTube
十月动画都看了些啥?二次元新闻10月8日~10月16日 | 机核 GCORES
My First Million - Arianna Simpson - The Bitcoin Believer
Gary Vaynerchuk - Master Delegation as an Artist & Voice Marketing (#1) - YouTube
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